National Marine Plan

An integrated planning approach to managing our seas.
As part of the SSA’s discussions with our members, in relation to the National Marine Plan and alongside this, the Draft Planning Circular, Marine Renewables and Priority Marine Features, the SSA has compiled this response following consultation with our Outdoor Pursuits Group, which contains representatives from 20 of our member Scottish Governing Bodies (SGBs) involved in outdoor and adventurous activities.
Our response in some cases involves clarification of terms and in others is directly linked to ensuring the discussed plans optimise and do not inhibit the practicing of sport in and around Scotland’s marine areas, as well as the substantial economic and social benefits that come from this.
The SSA has in this response largely echoed the comments of both The Royal Yachting Association Scotland (RYAS) and sportscotland – we fully endorse their responses and as such, reflect this throughout.