What We Do For Members
The Scottish Sports Association provides a unique service for Governing Bodies in Scotland. As an independent member organisation it provides unbiased and crucial support for Governing Body staff and volunteers. Our members benefit from a dedicated team, positioned at the heart of Scottish sport, which is there to support their needs.
You can read some of the key statistics and quotes from our members that best demonstrate the positive impact our work has on our members. Just click on the box below:
The SSA provides services and expertise across a wide range of areas:
Learning From Each Other
- Sharing best practice with other Governing Bodies
- Providing opportunities for networking across sports
- Facilitating the Chief Operating Officers Group; Outdoor Pursuits Group; Chair/President's Forum and Operational Manager's Group with colleagues from other sports.
Access To Information
- Issuing updates to members on developments from the world of sport, business, media, the government and many more that affect their sports.
- Notifying and collating consultations on wide ranging issues from Music Licensing to Immigration to Lottery Funding
- Providing a dedicated team to answer questions and find solutions.
- Presenting the unified, representative voice of Governing Bodies in Scotland
- Helping sports to make the case for sport on the national stage
- Influencing decisions which affect Scottish sports
- Informing and influencing the Government’s agenda for sport.
We deliver all this with a team that:
- is always available to meet, discuss or respond to any queries
- always has a door open to our members and partners
- is visible and keeps you informed
- is always ready to support our members.
We represent the views of our members on the following groups: